Sema She previously resided in the Kabarto displacement camp and has recently relocated to the Hattin residential complex. Iraq’s oldest documented person is a Yezidi...
Sema President Barzani, Nechirvan Barzani, the Kurdistan Region President and Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani attend this phenomenal event that is running in...
Sema We remember the third anniversary of the passing of Yazidi intellectual, writer, and researcher “Pir Khidr Suleiman,” who on this day, 15/11/2021, like a...
Sema The Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Region has approved the completion of the 18-classroom Community School project in the village of Kharshenia. On...
Sema In recognition of his significant contributions to fostering relations between Russia and the Middle East, Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, awarded the...
Sema According to initial results announced by Georgia’s Central Election Commission on Oct. 26, the ruling “Georgian Dream” maintained its majority in parliament, with Daseni...
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani declared his party’s victory in Sunday’s parliamentary elections after garnering nearly double the tally of the runner...
Sema TV In his message, KDP President Barzani expressed gratitude for the smooth conduct of the election process, calling it a victory for the Kurdish...
In his statement, Prime Minister Barzani declared, “The success of the sixth session of the Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections was a success for the Kurdistan...