سەما تیڤی

PM Masrour Barzani highlights the necessity for continued US presence in Iraq, cites ongoing ISIS threats


“We don’t think that terrorism has come to an end. ISIS is still intact with active members, not only in Iraq but in the region and elsewhere in the world,” Barzani stated.

In a revealing interview at MEPS24, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani cautioned against any precipitous withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, drawing parallels to the problematic 2011 pullout that preceded the rise of ISIS.

Speaking with moderator Hadley Gamble, Barzani emphasized that terrorism remains an active threat in the region, contrary to some assessments.

“We don’t think that terrorism has come to an end. ISIS is still intact with active members, not only in Iraq but in the region and elsewhere in the world,” Barzani stated.

He stressed the continued importance of the global coalition in combating terrorism, while acknowledging that the nature of Iraq’s relationship with coalition forces could evolve.

The Prime Minister highlighted that any troop withdrawal should be based on mutual agreement rather than unilateral decisions.

“US was invited by the Iraqis, and any departure has to be mutually agreed – the mechanism, the timing, and the way that it needs to depart,” he explained, warning that unilateral decisions could create dangerous security vacuums.

Drawing from historical experience, Barzani pointed to the consequences of the 2011 US withdrawal, noting that “the vacuum left after the US pulled out their troops was filled by ISIS and other terrorist organizations. And US had to come back once again.”
