During its tenure, the cabinet has implemented 1,967 road projects at a cost of 1 trillion 863 billion dinars. These projects include strategic endeavors like...
Another mass grave of Yazidi victims of ISIS has been uncovered in Shingal, prompting a specialized team to prepare for its excavation. Khairi Ali, head...
Sema On this day, 25/9/2017, the people of Kurdistan, under the leadership of President Masoud Barzani, made a historic decision regarding their fate and relationship...
Sema The agent of the Emir of the Yazidis, Jawher Ali Beg, highlighted that UNITAD’s withdrawal will significantly hinder the documentations of the Yazidi genocide....
Sema Regarding the return of Yezidis to Sinjar, PM Barzani said: “This can only be done through the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement, which will...
Sema Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the Sheikhan-Lalish highway in Duhok province, marking a significant step towards...
SEMA The project is part of a wider strategy to improve infrastructure and connectivity throughout the Kurdistan Region, facilitating economic growth and enhancing the quality...